DIY non toxic flawless finish liquid makeup and powder

And now for DIY non toxic flawless finish liquid makeup and powder that Really Really benefits your skin.. Great coverage and lasting.. I LOVE IT!!

diyfoundation diy foundationWhat you need
1.container 2.your favorite moisturizer/ creme (I love Weleda Calendula Baby Creme!! It feels and smells absolutely wonderful!) 3. kaoline clay 4.french red clay 5.tiny bit of tumeric (a little goes a long way)
how to make it
1. mix a blend of white clay, red clay and tiny bit of tumeric until you get a powder that best matches your skin 2. mix in your favorite moisturizer/ cream (it will be darker than the powder when you add the cream) start adding any color you made need white clay etc. until it matches your skin color 3. add more cream until you get a perfect consistency, mix it until it is all blended and… Wha La!!! Bella!! For supplies I got mine from various stores on Etsy and my local health food store… ❤

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